Skincare Kimberly Anne Capeding Skincare Kimberly Anne Capeding

My first impressions on Sephora brand cleansers (facial washes, micellar water, masks)

While I often shop for makeup at Sephora, I admittedly tend to skip over their in-house brand as they’ve always looked plain next to the other brands that they carry. Recently though, I’ve noticed that the Sephora Collection has been upping their game with new skincare releases that feature trendy ingredients housed in chic, minimalist packaging. If you’ve been curious to try their new line of cleansers, here are my thoughts after testing these products for two weeks.

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Skincare Denise Bengzon Skincare Denise Bengzon

Why a moisturizing beauty face mask is better for your skin

The clay mask made my already dry skin feel even more dry and tight. It was also very difficult to wash off, so I had to use a damp towel to remove the mask. I later learned that a bentonite clay mask is more apt for use on oily skin, because it’s made from a very absorbent material that is sometimes even used for cat litter. It’s not a bad ingredient, but if you have dry or sensitive skin, there is a better alternative.

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Skincare Claire Reyes Skincare Claire Reyes

It's Mask O'Clock: The five clay masks that actually work wonders on my sensitive skin

I’m a big winner in the skin care concern lottery: I have sensitive combination skin. This means that my t-zone (forehead and nose) gets very oily, while my u-zone (cheeks and chin) turn dry and flaky. My pores also love forming comedones, making me more prone to getting enlarged pores and pimples. It has been extra challenging to find skin care products that work for my various issues because my skin can get really reactive, flaring up whenever I come near anything it doesn’t like!

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Skincare Denise Bengzon Skincare Denise Bengzon

What happened when four PV girls tried the In Her Element Petal Skin Rose Clay Mask

As someone with dry skin, I always thought that moisturizing would be the key step in my skincare routine. For many years, I would slather thick and heavy creams all over my face in the hope that they would get rid of my dry patches and ashy gray complexion. And then I learned about the existence of acids. I researched about chemical exfoliation feverishly because “acid” sounded so intimidatingly potent and I was afraid of burning my skin like Liz did when she did a chemical peel. The treatment worked for her but I didn’t want to deal with the downtime!

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Skincare Gett Baladad Skincare Gett Baladad

Just Claying Around: Why I love Origins clay masks

One of the first things I really got into when I started my own skincare journey were clay masks. Since figuring out I had oily skin, I thought clay masks would suit my skin type best. Regular use of clay mask has definitely helped manage my oiliness and my breakouts. More than that, I always feel like I’m enjoying a mini spa session whenever I have one on!

Origins has been on my radar ever since I got to sample their Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask from this year’s PV Anniversary kit. I really liked it, so I was pretty excited two more clay masks from Origins!

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Skincare Denise Bengzon Skincare Denise Bengzon

The Mask-imalist Approach: The different Origins masks for different skin issues

For all my love of skincare and the calming ritual it creates, there are days when I only have the time and energy to wash my face and nothing else. Neglect plus the stress I'm feeling inevitably shows up on my complexion: dull and dry, rough and red, and if I'm really unlucky, a surprise pimple or two. I know that I can get it back on the chok-chok track once I get my routine going again but who doesn't want a quick-fix savior? That's what a mask can do - jumpstart your way to better skin!

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Skincare, Tips and Tricks Crystal Rodis-Concepcion Skincare, Tips and Tricks Crystal Rodis-Concepcion

The ultimate guide to clay masking: What to use and expect

Before we discovered the wonders of sheet masking, pampering our skin conjured images of green goop-covered faces with cucumber slices placed over the eye area. Yup, we're talking about clay masks! Clay is a soft, loose, naturally-occurring material that is rich in minerals. It is also very absorbent, which is why it's frequently used in skincare to draw out deep-seated impurities that simple cleansing can't reach. It's a great ingredient for unclogging pores and thus reducing pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. Some even have brightening and anti-aging properties!

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Skincare Liz Lanuzo Skincare Liz Lanuzo

Formula 10.0.6 Deep Down Detox Ultra Cleansing Mud Mask

I was checking out Beauty Bar in MOA last Sunday when I saw a new brand called Formula 10.0.6. Well, it's not actually new new since it apparently has been around since 1933, but I think it's newly arrived here! According to the website, the brand excels at perfecting troublesome young skin with ingredients that work. "Troublesome young skin", that's me alright.

I bought a sample sachet of the Formula 10.0.6 Deep Down Detox Ultra Cleansing Mud Mask (P120) knowing absolutely nothing about the brand. :P I liked how they packaged their products, so even though the price is quite reasonable, I got the feeling that the stuff is hip and expensive. It's just my luck that I bought what seems to be the most popular product of Formula 10.0.6, with a 4.2/5 rating at Makeupalley.

Ok ok I'm dithering. Deep Down Detox is a great mask! I got it because I am waaay overdue for a facial and I needed something quick to clean up my face. Well, this mud/clay mask didn't clean my pores as well as I hoped, but it helped with the oiliness extremely well. It's been three days since I used it and my face is noticeably less oily! 

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