Letting Go: How to Break Free from Hoarding Beauty Products

I didn’t grow up rich. I know how it’s like to go without and watch other people have nicer, newer things. So, when I started making my own money, I really cherished every single thing I bought which made it hard for me to throw them away once they were past their usefulness. Somewhere at the back of my mind lay a dark thought: what if I don’t get a chance to have something this nice again? I spent my early twenties hoarding stuff I don’t need in my tiny apartment.

Eventually though, I learned how to let go of my things. Part of it is just acknowledging my insecurities during my childhood, but most of it really is just practice and habit. It used to be such a big deal for me to declutter, but now I do it constantly. I started with one paper bag, then one drawer, then one shelf, and it simply got easier over time. I’m proud that I’m even at the point of mentally categorizing my things already in the “keep” or ”give away” pile even as I use them! Of course, I still tend to hoard sometimes, but it’s definitely a lot better from just ten years ago.

So, let me offer some advice about how to control your beauty hoarding tendencies. Let’s go!

1. Embrace the "One In, One Out" Rule

Start with a simple rule: for every new product you bring home, say goodbye to an old one. This not only helps keep your collection in check but also ensures you're only surrounded by products you love and use.

2. The Expiration Date Reality Check

Skincare and makeup have a shelf life. Using products past their prime isn't just ineffective – it can be harmful. I encourage you to label every single product with the date you opened it and its expiration date as stated in the packaging. I find that having this information on hand makes it a lot easier to junk expired stuff.

3. The Sentimentality Scale

We all have those products we bought on a special trip or were given by someone special. But if they’re just gathering dust, it's time to reassess. Keep one or two items that hold the most sentiment and let go of the rest.

4. Storage Limits

Set a physical limit on your storage space. If your products are overflowing from their designated area, it’s a sign to pare down. This tangible boundary is a great way to keep your collection from getting out of hand.

5. The 'Haven't Used It' Test

If you haven't used a product in the last six months, chances are you won't. Be honest with yourself. It's better to give it a new home or dispose of it responsibly than let it waste away in your drawer.

6. Organize a Swap Party

Gather your friends for a beauty swap. This is a fun way to declutter while socializing. You might find something new to love while parting with products you no longer need.

7. Donate Gently Used Items

Many shelters and charities welcome unopened or gently used beauty products. Donating is a wonderful way to declutter and help someone else feel beautiful.

8. Mindful Purchasing

Before buying something new, ask yourself if you truly need it or if it's just an impulse buy brought about by (ehem) a 12.12 sale perhaps. We often feel pressured to buy something because the price and the freebies are too good to pass up - but do they really deserve a space in our beauty wardrobe? Or do we have something similar already?

9. Visualize Your Ideal Space

Keep a vision of your ideal, clutter-free beauty space in mind. This vision can be a powerful motivator to keep your collection streamlined and organized. I recommend setting up a Pinterest board that you can refer and add new ideas too! I have dozens of Pinterest boards for different areas of my house, and this habit helps to keep me focused.

Decluttering can feel overwhelming, but it's also liberating. Imagine opening your beauty drawer and seeing only products that you love and use. It’s not just about making space – it's about respecting your collection and cherishing each item's purpose in your beauty journey. So, take a deep breath, and let’s start this decluttering adventure together! Remember, a tidy space is a tidy mind, and who doesn't want that extra bit of zen in their life? Happy decluttering! 🌸💄✨

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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