A #SmartLife with iFlix

I like to think that it's almost impossible to be truly bored in this day and age. Smart phones alone provide endless sources of information, entertainment, and communication. You must be a bit of a brick to be completely bored with one in your pocket! Aside from phones, there are also lots of amazing literature, toys, and art materials to fiddle with if you prefer to be offline. We live in a golden time, and I intend to make the most of it.

In that vein, I recently I signed up for iflix, this region's first video streaming service supported by Smart. It contains thousands and thousands of hours worth of shows and movies, and I pay only P99 a month to watch it all 24/7! I'm a Smart subscriber so I get a discount; it's normally P129 otherwise. 

I got addicted to watching Boys Over Flowers last week and, guys, you really need to keep me away from Koreanovelas. For my sanity. I also use iflix to watch old Adventure Time (aka the greatest show on earth) episodes. It's pretty awesome! I've noticed that iflix has been adding new content everyday. You can watch shows like The Big Bang Theory, Homeland, Arrow, and Revenge, to name a few. Old movies are there too, like Harry Potter and Star Trek.

I usually just connect my Macbook via HDMI to my TV and spend my free time watching. ^_^ Try iflix soon too! I believe you get 14 days free trial so there's nothing to lose. I hope in the future that they'll have more current content but I imagine that they will do so, in time, as more subscribers watch with them. For now I enjoy the convenience of being able to stream anything that catches my fancy - it's a #SmartLife indeed!

This post is brought to you by Smart.

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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