Get clean! How to keep your beauty tools in tip-top shape

Forgetting to clean your beauty tools is a crime to your skin and hair. Harboring the remnants of past makeup and styling adventures is one of the culprits of crazy skin problems, after all! And have you heard about the girl who got paralyzed because she used her friend's dirty brushes? It's terrifying. But your makeup brushes are not the only beauty tools you should unleash your clean freak on.

Here are some beauty helpers we often use and how to properly clean them.

Stained sponges

Ordinary beauty-loving people started to appreciate the use of sponges when the Beauty Blender was introduced to the beauty world. The hype has even led to the sprouting of many so-called dupes. So, you may already own one. Now, how do you clean it?

Well, you can use the cleansers from the Beauty Blender brand, but they cost as much as a new drugstore foundation. Nippon's Pro Blend Sponge comes with a sponge cleaner that you can buy separately, or you can go the more-affordable-but-just-as-good route: simply clean your sponge with an antibacterial soap. You know, the one you already have in your bathroom?

Put your sponge under running water. When it's completely wet, apply the soap and work up a lather. Repeat the process until there are no more stains on your sponge, and rinse thoroughly. Make sure to let the sponge completely dry before storing it again, else the moisture can encourage bacteria to grow.

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You don't need ingrown hair or pimples in your life. One of the ways to avoid encountering those nuisances is by making sure that you clean your tweezers before and after each use. It just takes a few seconds to wipe the end – the one that comes in direct contact with your skin – with a cloth or a tissue soaked in a bit of rubbing alcohol.

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A loofah helps you scrub off the dirt from your skin, but how do you get rid of dirt from your loofah? After use, place it under running water and rinse until the water runs clean. Wring it a bit before hanging it in a well-ventilated area. You also need to disinfect it once a week to ensure that bacteria and funky smells stay at bay, so soak it in a mixture of water and vinegar then let dry.

No matter how much you love your loofah, though, you should learn to let it go. If it looks discolored or smells funky, bid it adieu and get yourself another bath companion. If you're using a synthetic mesh pouf, you can replace it every two months. Natural loofahs are more prone to bacteria growth though, so you should get a new one after every month.

Hair brush

Every time you brush your hair, oil, dirt and dandruff can build up on and between the bristles, causing problems like greasy locks and scalp acne. So, should you be cleaning your brush as often as you wash your hair?  It really depends on the type of brush you have. Brushes with wooden handles may not hold up to frequent washing, but  if it's made of some plastic material, then feel free to clean it as often as you can. 

Simply remove the hair that's on the brush. Cover the bristle area in a mixture of water and shampoo and run your fingers between the bristles to loosen dirt. Rinse it off then lay it face down on a clean towel to dry.

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Image via Wikimedia Commons

Curling irons and hair straighteners

Removing product build-up from your curling wand and hair straightener is necessary not just for hygiene, but to make sure your tools continue to work well, too. After making sure your tool is cool to touch and unplugged, simply wipe off any dirt and buildup from the surface with a washcloth that has been dampened with warm soapy water. Wipe it again with a clean dry cloth before storing. Make sure to do this every two weeks, especially if your hair is covered in product when you use these tools.

Got some cleaning tips to share? Add them to the comments!

Sources: Buzzfeed, Michelle Phan, Snappy Living, Clean My Space

Jordianne Cornejo

Age range: 24-29

Skin type/shade: medium with neutral undertones, dry, sensitive, acne-prone

Skin concerns: large pores, scarring, blemishes, flakiness, whiteheads/blackheads

Hair type: naturally straight, thick, color-treated

Hair concerns: hairfall and flyaway hair

Eye shape: hooded

Features & Shades Cosmetics: A new look with the same quality we loved


The Weekly Haul: Clinique, L'Oreal, FS Cosmetics and NYX