Commenter of the Month for January and March gift

February has been all kinds of hectic. I honestly didn't expect that so early in the year, but I learned a lot of things and have rekindled the flames for an old love: sketching and painting. More on that in the future haha. February was also a month of new ideas. The only question is - where can I find the time to do all of it? 

Anyway, the commenter of the Month for January is: Cimmerian! Loved her feedback on products and I observed also that she's a huge beauty fan. ^_^ Congratulations! Please email me your full name and address at liz[at]

So...I skipped February CoM because I wasn't able to arrange for a prize in time. In any case, for March, I have something awesome from Burt's Bees: their Radiance skincare line.

I was a huge fan of Burt's Bees Tomato Toner before. It helped calm my acne and fade away the blemishes more quickly, at a time when my skin was all kinds of crazy! I think I used that for a couple of years. But since I discovered a lot of new toners, I just lost touch with it. I'm happy that I got a chance to try out another toner from the brand. Yes, I have this exact same set and will be testing 'em out this month as well!

I believe this is worth over P3,000. ^_^ Thanks to May of Burt's Bees for sponsoring this month's gift. Please do follow Burt's Bees over on Facebook and Instagram (@burtsbeesph). 

Okay, same mechanics as before! Every month, I'll pick a commenter on my blog. She must be able to leave useful comments, such as sharing feedback about a product I reviewed. It can be a "thank you" comment, or maybe a really good question (I love good questions). A big factor would be the frequency of the reader's comments. Does she always visit? Does she read through the site? At the end of the day though, I always value quality more than quantity. Consistency is key.

Comment away! Am hoping to hear from you. ;) I'll pick the winner by early April. 

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet in 45 L'Adoree


Color lovers, rejoice: the Maybelline Color Tattoo Eyeshadow has arrived in the PH