Boudoir dilemma

This morning I attempted to re-organize my dresser. "Attempted" is the operative word here. It still looks rather messy but as far as I'm concerned everything is where I want them to be. Hehe.

I just re-used some boxes but I will probably buy proper containers in the near future. Or not. I love the idea of recycling even if the end result doesn't look as pretty or as neat as new things. But I also love the idea of having clear storage boxes with sections. Ugh. I don't know! What do you think?

These are all the stuff that I'm currently using or trying out. I divided everything in six containers: eyeliner/eyebrow products, eyeshadows, mascaras, face products like blushes and foundations, brushes, and random stuff I like! Since I have a lot, I decided to use open containers so I can freely rummage through the items instead of storing them in tiny organized slots. It's not like I would put them back properly.

Blushes, concealers, foundations, mascaras

Random stuff I want to have on hand - particularly the new ones I want to review. Lipsticks, glosses, highlighters, etc. I keep lipsticks in a separate box in the dresser.

Eyeshadow singles and palettes

Eyeliners, eyebrow products, lip balms

And that's it! How about you, how do you currently organize your makeup?

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


NOTD: Pastel wallpaper

