Love: Shu Uemura Ultimate Natural Mascara in Dark Brown

I've been meaning to do this for a while now but I've just never gotten the chance. I keep bumping it off for some newfangled thing or another. But today, I will finally reveal my favorite everyday mascara after months - months! - of using it. 

It's the Shu Uemura Ultimate Natural Mascara in Dark Brown. :) I always reach for this when I need a brown, beautifying mascara, and here's why!

What I love about the product 

  • As the name promises, it looks super natural and clean while magnifying your lashes. Just look at the photos. Two coats, no more, and I get such beautiful lashes.
  • Keeps the curl of my lash hairs ALL DAY. No drooping here. It's best used with the Shu Uemura curler, another great love of mine.

  • It's never goopy or clumpy. It scoops up and applies the right amount of product.
  • Smudges minimally, never runs.
  • My favorite part: this can be washed off with water and soap. It's not waterproof yes but it won't budge until you rub it.
  • Doesn't feel heavy on the lashes.
  • Very easy to work with - you don't need to use any special tricks to get a good finish.
  • Dries quickly, but not super fast that you won't get the chance to get the volume going.

Brush doesn't look special at all, but it does a great job of coating and coaxing your lashes into existence



What I don't like 

  • I suppose it can be cheaper! But Shu is Shu. 


Big, look-at-me lashes are perfect for evenings out, but during the day, it's best not to look like you're trying too hard. Don't wear too much makeup at the office or for casual outings - subtlety is key!

Dark Brown is indeed a deep brown color. Not quite as harsh and startling as black.

That said, the best mascara for that purpose is the Shu Uemura Ultimate Natural Mascara in Dark Brown. It enhances the lashes but not in a way that's in your face. I do love that it's easy to remove even though it stays on cleanly during the day! Use two coats and focus on the base, narrowing at the tips. :)


Love it. Like I said above, I always reach for this when I want an effortless look (but of course we know it's not effortless, right?). I panic slightly when I can't find it!

So, what's your favorite everyday mascara?

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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