A homely face

Do you guys still like FOTDs? I rarely post them these days because, well, I don't often wear interesting looks. On a normal day out I'd be in neutral makeup and a bright lipstick. It's only for parties and events that I go all out! As it should be, at least for me.

Yesterday I was taking a few standard photos of my face since I used a couple of new products. Yes it's vain but because of this blog I have the valid excuse of, erm, documentation for purposes of reviews. Hehe. Anyway I was really surprised with how the photos turned out.

Zero editing. At first I thought it was the light, but I don't get photos this good at 4:30pm when the light is starting to fail. So what could it be?

My guess is the Fairydrops Candy Bar BB Cream. I'm not sure yet if this is the culprit but I intend to find out! It was my first time to use it yesterday. This particular BB cream is supposed to be photo/telegenic so this must be what they're all raving about. Hmm. We'll see.

I topped it off with the Snoe Poudre Extraordinaire. For once I didn't use my illuminating face base.

For eyes, I also roadtested the Estee Lauder Violet Underground palette. It's probably the most gorgeous palette I own, ever! Didn't want to touch it but then it wouldn't be possible to review it, wouldn't it? :P Dilemmas!

Yeah I just did a neutral look but I will definitely show you a more daring one next time. ;) For lips, I used the Benefit Cha Cha Tint for a change. 

So there you go, my humble FOTD! Here's the next time I was talking about. This looks is quite weird but fun to wear:

LOL. Those black lips are from Snoe, a lipstick called "Bite Me". I'll show a tutorial next time. Have a great Tuesday folks!

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Pinkbox Party: Introducing the Hair Puff and Hair Donut


Free to choose, free to have: Sample Room