A merry Zen Zest Christmas

When I give gifts, I make sure it's something the other person will really use and appreciate. What's the point otherwise? Gifts are meant to be enjoyed by the other party and not just an obligation one must selfishly fulfill. :D Still, a good gift doesn't necessarily have to be expensive. I mean it's great if you can afford to treat everyone you love but that's not always possible! The good news is that there are brands like Zen Zest that come up with great products that are shockingly affordable.

I love the Zen Zest Holiday Sets because they're nicely packaged in a matte box and features products that were specially created just for this season. I'll talk more about them in a bit! For now I want to share lovely photos (from Chai) of the event I organized for Zen Zest last November. :D

We did a Diva-Off contest at Red Box in Greenbelt 5 one Saturday night. Why all the singing, you ask? Well bloggers usually go to sit down lunches and dinners. They're fun, but it can get too common and formal. I wanted to do an event where everyone can just sit back, eat a lot, and have a smashing time in a different setting. So, buffet diva-off it is!  

The best picture of me that night is my back LOL

Before the singing commenced, Ms Michelle Fontelera, the owner and CEO of Zen Zest, talked about the holiday sets. She wanted to create a holiday collection that looks mamahalin (expensive) without actually being costly. She wanted gifts you won't be embarrassed to give to your friends and family, so she came up with beautiful boxes and new scents just for Christmas.

It was Divine Lee's turn to share her Zen Zest story. She's an endorser for the brand btw! She discovered Zen Zest because one of her friends we're giving away personalized scents. So she got in touch with Ms Michelle and the rest as they say is history! She particularly loves the room fragrances and diffusers since she's very particular about how her surroundings smell like. :D Hint: she just might have her own fragrance under the brand. Bonus hint: it just might smell more like a man's perfume since that's what she always wears! That makes sense because Divine has a strong yet very warm personality. 

Love these bloggers

Martha and Shen sing amazingly well! You should hear them sometime.

Divine and Victor were game enough to sing a power ballad! Career!

So there you go. :D I would like to thank all of the bloggers who made it that night, they were such an energetic and happy bunch. Until next! 


On to the holiday sets! Prices range from P75 to P120 - how crazy is that? These aren't even sample sizes - the smaller bottles are 80ml while the full cologne duo (the P120 box) is 120ml. 

You can just grab a few or 20, tie the box in a pretty ribbon and you're good to go. :) There are Body Wash Sets (with the sponge) for P75, Christmas Room Fragrance Duos for P99, Body Spray Set for men at P99, and Berry Blush/Pure Cotton Body Spray Set for P120. I am definitely going to get these for my cousins!

I highly recommend the Room Fragrance Set since I'm a huge fan of Zen Zest's room scents. The set is a nice gift but for yourself or for your titas and classier friends/officemates, you should get the full sizes at P250 each. There are two Christmas room scents: Christmas Spirit, a medley of berries and cinnamon, and Winter Wonderland, which is all about cinnamon and cloves. I love the Winter Wonderland because it smells exactly like Christmas and merry gingerbread boys. <3

Christmas Spirit

Winter Wonderland

Hope this was a useful, albeit long, post. It's not sponsored or anything, I just really like these sets. :) Anyway are you done with your gift shopping? What did you get for your friends and loved ones?

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Capsule review: Etude House Christmas Miracle Collection


Grabbed from Sample Room: Kiehl's Acai Damage-Correcting Moisturizer