Human Heart Nature Natural Feminine Wash in Chamomile Fresh

I have had this uneasy impression that organic products, owing to their lack of synthesized chemicals and special ingredients ("chorva complex"), don't work as well as the usual drugstore brands. Sure they're good for the skin and the environment but I don't want to sacrifice instant comfort and efficacy for something as vague as those things. Besides, organic products tend to be more expensive than what we can find in drugstores.

Thus, I had very minimal expectations for the Human Heart Nature Natural Feminine Wash in Chamomile Fresh (50ml/ P60 and 200ml/ P160). I've been using this drugstore brand for almost ten years now and I'm completely happy with it, so why take a chance with a new - and oh no, organic - product? Simple, I ran out, and this HHN wash was there waiting to be opened. :P

I'm glad I tried it!

What I love about the product

  • The citrus-chamomile scent is not overwhelming and disappears after rinsing. 
  • Gel lathers very well even if you use only a small amount. Area feels clean and fresh after washing.
  • I didn't experience any dryness, itchiness, or unpleasant smells while using it
  • 98.66% organic which means that you're not washing your sensitive area with industrial chemicals and preservatives.
  • Super cheap! The 50ml bottle is just P60 while the 200ml one (which will last FOREVER) is P160. 

What I don't like about the product 

  • Nothing. It does everything it should, and at a nice price too.



If you're looking for a gentle feminine wash for everyday needs, the Human Heart Nature Natural Feminine Wash in Chamomile Fresh is a great option.


I got this as a gift from Human Heart Nature, but you can bet that I'll buy this for myself when I run out. I'm happy that I finally found an HHN product I can swear by! This is a first.

Tried this? Interested to try? You can purchase this from the HHN website or from your neighborhood reseller. I'll probably purchase from Mercato Centrale since we always visit; there's an HHN stall there with fresh stocks.

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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