Kermit Tesoro fashion: from runway to reality

One of the most memorable collections during the last May's Philippine Fashion Week was Kermit Tesoro and Leeroy New's. Each piece looked like a work of art, worked on with close attention to detail and true craftsmanship. The clothes are too avant-garde to wear in real life. Or are they?

Last Saturday, the Preview Best Dressed Ball saw quite a lot of outfits by Mr. Tesoro and New. Let's compare the clothes as seen on the runway versus the red carpet!


Featured here is a cocoon-like dress worn on top of a long, chiffon skirt

I like Sarah Meier's look - well, from her shoulders up. Okay, even her shoes. The rest of the dress fits her weirdly, with a baggy bust and a shapeless waist. I believe that it will look better if the dress was tightened to fit Sarah's very, very thin figure.


Seen here is a textured pantsuit. It looks like something Shaider's enemies might wear.

Max Eigenmann's outfit is head to toe Tesoro x New. I adore the Nina Ricci-inspired heelless shoes! The edited Tesoro piece made to look like a stand-alone top is great, but the paneled nude pants frankly look ridiculous. This ensemble could have worked for someone with longer legs and more height. In Max's case, she could have been better off with a plain black or white a-line, flouncy skirt. At the very least, a higher, non-saggy crotch would have made a world of difference.


A goo-like dress dripping with sequins! My personal favorite.

Anna Canlas pulled off the goo-dress amazingly well! It's not surprising, since this piece is quite wearable to begin with. I still don't know what to feel about the shoes (larvae and dinosaurs easily come to mind), but overall, this is the best Tesoro x New outfit I've seen that night!

I appreciate it when the avant-garde makes its way to reality. However, it seems that the wearer will be hard-pressed to actually make the clothes work for her, owing to the limitations of her physical features - and not to any lack of style sense.


Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Photos from the Preview Ball


Preview Best Dressed Ball 2010