Me-ouch! How to save your cat eye in one easy swipe

Let’s face it: one of the most difficult challenges makeup lovers struggle with is applying eyeliner. As the saying goes, “May your coffee be strong, your day short, and your cat eye even.” It can take years of practice (and many tubes of eyeliner) to master the art of getting your flicks to look perfect but for the meantime, a swipe or two of your trusty concealer can save the day!

That's right - don’t reach for the makeup remover just yet, as it can erase your foundation and cause unsightly smudges. Instead, you need is a skin-toned concealer and a small detail brush!

MAC Studio Finish Concealer and Real Techniques Accent Brush (part of the Starter Set)

Once you’ve drawn your cat eye (do try to make them as even as possible so that you spend less time correcting them), figure out which wing needs the correcting. It may just be a matter of extending the flick a bit more, but if the angle is completely different or if one is thicker than the other, you'll need to cover that up. Concealer works best for this because wings need to be sharp to really get that cat eye effect

Pick up a small amount of concealer with your brush and gently swipe the excess wing from the bottom going up. This helps even out the thickness of the cat eye or if one of your wings seems to be lower or droopier than the other. Applying concealer with a brush gives you more control compared to a cotton bud dipped in makeup remover, and it won't mess up the rest of the makeup you've already applied. It also preserves the crispness of your stroke.

In case you need a total wing redo, you can also use the concealer to just cover up the flick then draw on a new one. Just make sure to blend everything in with the rest of your makeup to keep your look seamless!

Et voilà! Even wings for your fierce cat eye! No need to be afraid of trying out this look, or get frustrated from failed attempts. You'll still need to practice drawing your flick, of course, but this trick can save you from having to remove and reapply your eye makeup completely.

Have you mastered the art of drawing perfectly-even wings? Share your secrets in the comments!

Karla Aguas

Age range: 24-29

Skin type/shade: light with yellow undertones, dry and sensitive

Skin concerns: redness

Hair type: thick and naturally wavy

Hair concerns: split ends

Eye shape: almond


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