I Made My Own Advent Calendar To Save Money

This year, I made a conscious choice to save money by adopting an alternative approach to my Christmas gifts. As a skincare enthusiast and someone who is part of the Project Vanity Team, I've been fortunate enough to acquire a vast array of incredible products throughout the year. This abundance led to an extensive stockpile, or 'tambak', which inspired me to re-gift these items to myself for the holidays. My goal was to rekindle my love for the hidden treasures in my collection and to enjoy the experience of opening gifts, without the need to spend more of my hard-earned money.

I decided to craft my own advent calendar, treating myself to not just one, but twenty-five gifts. We often experience a dopamine rush from purchasing something, and this extends to the moment we unwrap our purchase. This is why brands invest in creating luxurious packaging that feels like a gift. By wrapping items I already owned, I gave myself the joy of receiving a gift without the additional spending. Even though these items were initially bought with my money, re-gifting them to myself for Christmas felt like receiving them for free. This is what I like to call 'girl math'.

Anticipation and Appreciation

The advent calendar was more than just a series of gifts; it was a gift of time. Creating the calendar with my husband became a special activity, and each day I looked forward to opening a gift that I was sure to love. Despite the busy holiday season filled with parties and deadlines, this daily ritual allowed me a moment to slow down and savor each day of the festive season.

During a recent call, my mother was surprised to learn that I had gone to the effort of gift wrapping all the items myself. I realized that I had never put so much effort into a gift for myself before. This experience was a rare opportunity for me to go above and beyond for myself, simply for the sake of enjoyment.

So far, my advent calendar has gifted me with favorites like my beloved body lotion, Japanese skincare sets, and a luxurious 2ml sample that costs P2,000 (it’s French, after all). There are still several days to go, and the mystery of what’s wrapped for each day adds to the excitement, as I've forgotten what I prepared.

But perhaps the most unexpected gift has been a newfound appreciation for the things I already own and the joy of dedicating time to myself. I’ve also discovered the fun in putting maximum effort into a gift for myself.

If you’re feeling a bit stuck this holiday season or just want to save some money, I highly recommend making your own advent calendar. It's a delightful experience that I hope brings you as much joy as it has brought me.


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