Ask Liz Episode 3: Dark eyebrow recos, curling lashes, how I got rid of acne

If you've ever wondered about what to use for your very dark eyebrows, I have some recommendations for you in this video. I also talked about how to best curl messy lashes, how I got my skin to (finally!) clear up, and which beauty products to splurge on. In the personal department, I answered questions about how I am able to do it all in a day (clue: delegation) and where I shop. Yes I know I'm not a fashion icon but I do care about style!

I hope you enjoy watching this video. <3 KarenLiz wins best question in this round, so I will be expecting an email from her! If you want to win prizes, please do post your questions here and on the video. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Say bye-bye to blemishes with these skin-clearing ingredients


New brand alert: Measurable Difference gives you lashes for days