A Case For Aging Authentically, Not Gracefully

Picture this, scrolling through your Instagram feed, you are bombarded with images of celebrities and influencers who seem to have discovered the elixir of youth. Their flawless, youthful skin defies reality, almost. The term "aging gracefully" pops into your mind as you admire these individuals who appear unravaged by time.

Yet, over the years, I've come to realize that this perception of aging gracefully is, more often than not, a glorified mirage. Yes, it's a hard pill to swallow, but that's the truth.

These people who look like they've been frozen in time have likely undergone a plethora of procedures, maintain the healthiest diets, and exert a high level of control over their lifestyles to be as stress-free and as fit as possible. This require a handsome bank balance. And time. Let’s not forget the single most important non-renewable resource in this world.

But what most people don’t talk about is how some people simply win the genetic lottery. They just age a lot slower in terms of looks compared to others. For example, certain genetic traits can result in the skin maintaining its elasticity for longer periods, delaying the appearance of wrinkles. Other genes can influence the rate of hair graying, the metabolism's efficiency, and even the body's ability to repair DNA damage. Each of these factors can contribute to a person appearing younger than their years.

An apt example is my husband, who is about to turn 41 in a week. His skincare routine, if you can even call it that, is as simple as washing his face - no creams, no toners, and believe it or not, not even sunscreen. Yet, if he donned an outfit straight from H&M, he could pass off as someone in his mid-20s. Now, compare that to me. I'm just 35 and the TikTok world has generously decided I look a decade older. Do I hear a collective "Ouch!"?

As I ponder over this apparent injustice, I've come to a profound realization: the notion of "aging gracefully" being within our control is a farce. Sure, we can eat healthily, exercise, and keep our skin hydrated. But ultimately, how we age is deeply intertwined with our genetic blueprint.

Let me put it bluntly - it's not fair. But here's the kicker: we shouldn't pretend that "aging gracefully" is entirely within our control, because it's not. And that's okay! It’s not a moral failing and it doesn’t make us bad people to look old. To age with grace puts a lot of pressure on us to look a certain way at a certain age, and if we don’t achieve it, we are looked down on as a lazy failure because we didn’t take care of ourselves.

We need to shift the narrative and focus on what matters - living healthily, embracing our unique beauty, and most importantly, being comfortable in our own skin.

Yes, it's high time we make peace with the wrinkles, the laugh lines, and the crow's feet that make their grand appearance as we age. We need to embrace them as part and parcel of our unique journey of self-growth and self-discovery.

The pursuit of "aging gracefully" is like a hamster on a wheel – ceaselessly running but never reaching the goal. Instead, let's strive to age authentically, celebrating every year that adds to our wisdom and experience.

So, the next time you see someone in their 50s looking like they've just graduated college, remember that "aging gracefully" is not always a fair game, and that's perfectly fine. It's high time we embraced aging as a natural process rather than an enemy to be defeated. We are more than our age, and our worth extends far beyond the surface.

In the grand scheme of things, it's not about aging gracefully but living fully and authentically, wrinkles, and all.

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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