What's in my bag - October 2012

So you already know what my favorite bag is right now. Here's what's inside! Surprise, there's A LOT of stuff in it. I'm big on travelling light but if there's extra space I tend to throw in more things just because. Oooh I forgot to take a picture but I also sometimes stuff a pair of thin heels inside if I need to!


 1. Book of the moment: The Bride Wore Pearls by Liz Carlyle. It's a romance novel, haven't gotten too far yet to tell if it's any good. I like bringing books if I know I'm in for a loooot of waiting in meetings and what not.

2. House keys. See that Happy Lemon key chain? Proof that I'm addicted to that stuff. You get a key chain for free if you complete 16 stamps on the loyalty card. I stopped getting stamps because I felt embarrassed by all the Happy Lemon I'm gulping down.

3. Blackberry. I need to be connected 24/7! I wish I were joking, ha ha.

4. SMART Netphone. In case I want to Instagram something! But usually I use it for looking at other people's IG snaps.

5. Avon wallet. I like that it has a huge zippered compartment for coins, bills, and my gosh receipts! I accumulate too many coins and receipts!

6. Watsons Mini-Wet Wipes. This stuff is genius. Watsons sells a big box of ten packs (or more than? I forget) so I don't have to keep on buying when I run out. I also love that the packs are tiny so they fit comfortably in any bag.

7. Rio mints. I got a couple of these mints last week as part of a loot bag and now I get the hype. These mints are expensive for, well, mints, but they're incredibly chic and tasty. Try the mango one, it's almost like candy.

8. Etude House Precious Mineral Sun BB Pact. My favorite retouch powder EVER. It has SPF50!

8. Benetton Bianco Woman. I love bringing this because it takes the amoy araw away in a jiffy. It's also in a compact, sturdy-looking bottle so I'm not scared of breaking it.

9. Lipsticks. I'm into hot pink at the moment so I have two, and one lipstick that's more conservative for more serious meetings.

10. Benefit Hervana Blush. Lovely to bring around because it has a mirror and a blush brush that's actually useful. I don't always have it with me because staying power is superb, but when it's extra muggy and I have an event after a long day I will retouch.

11. Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer Kit. It's so tiny! I like having it in case of any makeup boo boos. 

12. Rosebud Salve. For when my lips and nails start to feel dry.

13. Notebook. I didn't use to bring one, but I've developed a habit. Really useful at meetings. 

And that's it. I would love to know what's in your bag also! Because I'm curious about the kind of person you are. Creepy? I think not! :P

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Optimism in lavender


Rave: Shu Uemura TSUYA Skin Serum