Why I'm having a book sale (and why you should buy these books)

I wanted to write this in paragraph form, but I thought it would be more fun to list it down! So, these are the reasons I'm selling some of my books.

  • I love reading, but I live in a condo. Space is limited for books! (And shoes for that matter). I want to buy new titles and keep only those books I'm likely read again.
  • I read most books only once. I don't remember every small detail about them, but each book will always be a part of me and how I view the world. That's all I want from books.
  • I need more money to buy more shoes. (Kidding. Er.)
  • These books need owners who will value them more than I do. 

And these are the reasons you should buy these books:

  • I bought all of them this year from Fully Booked. Many are new titles that I got as soon as they came out. 
  • They're crazy cheap.
  • You need to support my shoe addiction. Because we're friends.
  • I also need to give away some beauty/personal care stuff, so yeah, freebies for each purchase!

And here's what I have:

RESERVED Nina Garcia's The One Hundred. Originally P640, selling for P400. (Must have for fashionistas.)

RESERVED How To Walk In High Heels by Camilla Morton, P200. (Must have for women who want to develop class and grace, as well as the wonderful talent for walking in high heels.)

RESERVED Under the Dome by Stephen King, originally P520, selling for P300. In excellent condition. 

RESERVED Nicholas Sparks' The Lucky Ones, P150 (cute love story)

RESERVED Big Girl by Danielle Steele, P150 (About a woman with weight problems)

RESERVED The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, P100 (Horror thriller, if I remember correctly)

RESERVED Still Life With Crows by Preston & Child, P100 (Detective story! Great writing.)

RESERVED Love Life by Ray Kluun, P50

And that's it! Just email me at liz [at] projectvanity.com if you want anything. You can pay via Gcash or BDO bank deposit. Please add shipping to the cost of the books. 

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Watsons star: The H Bella Bath and Body Care Line


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